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  3. Hoop Crew Mobile App
  4. Assignr.com
  5. Assignr API Key

Assignr API Key

To access your data from assignr.com in the Hoop Crew app, you need to add your user name and API key into the Assignr module. This username and API Key, provide the app access to your profile, directory of people and games.

The first time you enter the assignr module in the Hoop Crew App, you will be asked for your username and api key. You can download these from your assignr.com account profile page. (Alternatively enter the Assignr module and select “Assignr API” from the menu)

On the profile page of your assigner account, choose the “API Access” button. This will take you to the API Access page where you can see your username.

Click on the API Key to make it visible, and copy it into your application. (we advise copy as its 40 characters long) .

Updating the API key

If you need to update/change the API key for any reason, log into Assignr and use the Rest API Key (show in the image above). This will generate a new API key.

Once you have a new API Key, you can copy it and update the Hoop Crew App. Use the menu item in the Assignr module on the HoopCrew App, and select “Assignr API” from the menu.

Setting Assignr API details in the hoop crew app
How to update your Assignr details
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